an abortion :)
FromSpace is almost nothing like what I'd been aiming for
when I got a wee bit download happy the other day... of course
after downloading three programs I somehow managed to blow
the driver that grants access to my Midi ports so I had to
get that fixed before getting back to what I had wanted to
do... which I never did.
I played with Remaker for a while then decided to spend a
night doing some "freestyling" on the Jp8080. But
I needed a track to run through it... so i dug up a rebirth
track called "blurpillz" which was a mild re-work
of the 11.5 minute hell fromerly known as redpills.
First I killed the drun track which resulted in the following
bastard which I renamed notfromspace
a couple days later.
with the reduced bluepillz track I started playing around
with some spacy sounds on the JP 8080: Nose Toys, Disaster,
Hydro Noise, and From Space... Obviously I named the track
after a voice patch on the 8080. So first I cut fromspace1
then fromspace2 then I ran into
hard drive space issues on my computer fought with that for
a few hours gave up & published fromspace2 as a finished
couple days later and the deletion of a bunch of old junk
led to fromspace3 which is...
well... probably not worth the effort :)