The Valerie

The Valerie

The Valerie

The Valerie

The Valerie

The Valerie


The Valerie is pure stock Relliant EP complete with rapid refire turbolasers and twin particle projectors. The Valerie is an economical craft to pilot and is often the first choice of contractors in need of a temporary craft. Despite many inexperienced pilots the Valerie has survived seven years of hard service with hardly a scratch.

A relative newcomer, Tonjal Moore is currentlt the nominal pilot of the Valreie. While showing uncanny games skills Moore has much to learn before before he joins the strategoi, the Valerie should see him safely on his way up the ladder.

Oddjobbers currently employs the service of two Krellsys Relliants, the Nodachi and the Valerie.

Tonjal Moore

Developing pilot. Excellent games skills. Excellent strategy skills.



The Val has been there and done all that. It's greatest trait seems to be bringing pilots back alive. Some chalk it down to luck...
Gibbis Hedji - OddJobbers systems maintinence assigned to the Valerie

Tonjal isn't really the best pilot, but he has the nack of finding opponents weakenesses and exploiting thier mistakes.
Dwayne Kimball- OddJobber Pilot


The Valerie      The Valerie     The Valerie     The Valerie     The Valerie
 The Valerie     The Valerie     The Valerie     The Valerie
 The Valerie     The Valerie     The Valerie

This ship was built in the summer of 2001 mainly as a counterpoint to the Nodachi. Coming up with a "vanilla" version of that ship was quite entertaining. Kind of like trying to reconstruct a stock honda civic from a riceboy special. The shape is the same underneath all the tacky addons and many features were demphasized or "dullified" - a subtle example is the slightly less rakish, more robust landing skids.
Obviously Ialso take some sick satisfaction in creating "duplicate" ships... This made the 4th pair of craft in my fleet.